onesia, hukum yang tertinggi adalah Undang-undang Dasar 1945, yang telah diamandemen tahun 1999-2002. Hal itu telah disepakati. Namun kemudian ada muncul tuntutan dari sebagian Muslim yang mengatakan bahwa hukum tertinggi bukanlah hukum ciptaan manusia, tetapi Hukum Tuhan. Memang benar bahwa bagi umat Islam hukum yang tertinggi itu adalah Al-Qur’an, yang diwahyukan kepada Nabi Muhamad SAW. Namun secara kenegaraan, bagi warga Indonesia hukum yang tertinggi adalah Undang-undang Dasar 1945, karena merupakan hal dapat disepakati oleh seluruh rakyat Indonesia yang beragam, termasuk oleh mereka yang Muslim. Jadi bagi orang Indonesia yang beragama Islam, mereka harus menaati Undang-undang Dasar 1945 dan sekaligus juga Al-Qur’an sebagai hukum tertinggi. Hal ini bukan berarti merendahkan kedudukan Al-Qur’an sebagai Wahyu Tuhan karena keduanya memiliki fungsi yang berbeda. Hal ini dapat diumpamakan sebagai gunting rumput dan gunting rambut. Apabila anda punya kebun dan ingin merapikannya maka anda memerlukan gunting rumput. Dan apabila anda berprofesi sebagai tukang cukur atau barber maka anda memerlukan gunting rambut. Apabila anda adalah tukang cukur yang memiliki kebun yang berantakan dan ingin merapikannya, maka anda memerlukan keduanya.
In Indonesia, the highest law is the Constitution of 1945, which was amended in 1999-2002. It has been agreed. But then there came the demands of some Muslims who say that the supreme law is not a human creation, but God's law. It is true that for Muslims Quran is the supreme law, which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAW. But for the citizens of Indonesia the highest law is the Constitution of 1945, as it is agreed by all Indonesian people, including by those who are Muslim. So for the Indonesian Muslims, they must obey the Constitution of 1945 and the Quran at the same time as the supreme law. This does not mean lowering the position of the Qur'an as a revelation of God because they both have different functions. This can be likened to grass scissors and hair clippers. If you have a garden and want to tidy it up then you need a grass shears. And if you work as a barber or a barber then you need a haircut. If you are a barber who had a messy garden and wanted to tidy it up, then you need both.
In Indonesia, the highest law is the Constitution of 1945, which was amended in 1999-2002. It has been agreed. But then there came the demands of some Muslims who say that the supreme law is not a human creation, but God's law. It is true that for Muslims Quran is the supreme law, which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAW. But for the citizens of Indonesia the highest law is the Constitution of 1945, as it is agreed by all Indonesian people, including by those who are Muslim. So for the Indonesian Muslims, they must obey the Constitution of 1945 and the Quran at the same time as the supreme law. This does not mean lowering the position of the Qur'an as a revelation of God because they both have different functions. This can be likened to grass scissors and hair clippers. If you have a garden and want to tidy it up then you need a grass shears. And if you work as a barber or a barber then you need a haircut. If you are a barber who had a messy garden and wanted to tidy it up, then you need both.
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